Many of the courageous men who put on our nation’s uniform each day are fathers, supported in their daily mission to defend freedom by the encouragement of proud sons and daughters back home.
Facing every conceivable challenge to make the world a safer place for their children, these men know the true meaning of sacrifice. In spite of the dangers they face as members of the world’s most powerful military force, they stand and fight to protect America’s most sacred institutions, preserving freedom for their children and members of every generation.
This coin, struck in a brass alloy and accented with rich enamel on both sides, pays tribute to all those fathers who serve as sailors and airmen in the U.S. Navy. Against a blue enameled backdrop, the obverse contains the words “My Dad Fights for our Freedom.” The reverse features a full-color rendering of the U.S. Navy seal. Each coin comes packaged with a detailed description of the history and mission of the U.S. Navy.
Measures 1-3/4 inch (44mm) round AVAILABLE WHILE SUPPLIES LAST